
Township tale inventory
Township tale inventory

township tale inventory

  • autoidentify %on/off% - let's you see all magic items.
  • statusapply FROZEN 5 - apply status to selected for 5 turns. goto 12 174: teleport to x y coordinates on current level
  • teleportToMe %name% - teleports a character to currently selected character.
  • teleport - e.g teleport Zandalor: teleport to certain character, object, trigger on current level.
  • oe - send an Osirs TextEventSet event with as the parameter.
  • setWalkSpeedMultiplier %multiplier% - Multiplies your walk and run speed by value (4 seems to be a nice value).
  • ResetCrimes: removes all performed Crimes and clears your criminal records, this will lower the tension again.
  • CheatBooksAir, CheatBooksEarth, CheatBooksNecromancy.
  • givetreasure CheatBooks and then the respective element will yield all the skillbooks of that element: eg.
  • magemana - Adds the maximum amount of source points for this character.
  • addExp %amount% - gives the selected character %amount% xp.
  • gold %amount% - gives both players half of %amount% in gold.
  • maxout - gives level 27 and maxes out stats.
  • levelup %amount% - levels up entire party by %amount% levels.
  • spawnitem GLO_QA_Debug_Item: spawns a Debug book to start in Act 2 with a Party setup - easiest way to start Act 2.
  • killArmor - Sets the magic and physical armor of the selected character to 0.
  • nearlyKill - Sets the HP of the current selected character to 1.
  • setAlignment %alignmentID% - Changes the alignment of the selected entity.
  • setCanJoinCombat %true/false% - enables / disables the CanJoinCombat option for the selected entity.
  • setCanFight %true/false%- enables / disables the CanFight option for the selected entity (it will still join combat, just not get a turn).
  • charm %character or item name% -> makes the current select character charmed by character/item in parameter.
  • setHPPercentage - e.g setHPPercentage 20, sets the HP of a (selected) character to 20%.
  • think on/off - enables/disables AI char/item scripts except player.
  • infiniteMemory - You will have over 9000 memory.
  • township tale inventory

    infiniteAp - your actions will cost 0 AP.resurrect - resurrects currently selected character.killcombat - kills all enemies in current combat.with CTRL SHIFT Click).Ĭtrl + shift + click an object to select it or command Some commands will only be applied on the object that is currently selected (i.e. ReCon can be attached to the game or editor to send console commands.

    Township tale inventory